
Predstavljamo igrače - Petar Vlahović - Pero.

Donosimo prvi u nizu intervju sa našim igračima. Za početak to je naš kapetan Petar Vlahović - Pero.

1. Možeš li nam se za početak predstaviti? Koliko imaš godina i čime se baviš osim nogometa? Imaš li neke hobije, kako provodiš slobodno vrijeme?

Pozdrav čitateljima, zovem se Petar, za prijatelje Pero. Imam 25 godina, diplomirao na FER-u smjer automatika, a bavim se izradom programa i nadzornih sustava za industrijske pogone, kao i puštanjem istih. Shodno poslu 35% vremena provodim u inozemstvu. Slobodno vrijeme ubijam sportom, učenjem, gledanjem serija/filmova/anima ili ispijanjem piva.

2. Kada si počeo igrati nogomet i u kojim klubovima si do sada igrao?

Nabijati loptu sam počeo davno, a igrat nogomet još uvijek pokušavam. Prvi put sam se ozbiljno okušao u nogometu još u osnovnoj školi igrajući za NK Dalmatinac Crno. No, ta prva i zadnja avantura je potrajala svega mjesec dana.

3. Kada i kako si prvi put čuo za ZG041 i kako si se priključio? Što te motiviralo da se priključiš klubu?

Iako se o klubu priča i piše na sve strane, moram biti iskren, ne pratim nogomet, pogotovo ne hrvatske nogometne lige. Slabo čitam medije, portale i tabloide, a naročito sekcije sporta, glamura, mode i slično. Za klub sam čuo od prijatelja i suigrača Krešimira Blaževića, zvanog Gunja (veliko mu hvala na pozivu). Da se pridružim klubu su me prvenstveno motivirali članovi te ideje i vrijednosti za koje se klub zalaže. Naravno, povrh svega volim i nabijati loptu.

4. Kako to izgleda igrati za klub kojim upravljaju navijači? Koliko je to drugačije od klubova u kojim si do sada igrao?

Držim da nisam kompetentan napraviti neku realnu usporedbu, ali podržavam ideju koju klub zagovara. Vjerujem da vrijednosti modernog nogometa postaju iskrivljene gdje se sve veća težina stavlja na ostvarivanje kapitala nego li igru nogometa radi kojeg su tu (ili bi trebali biti) i igrači i navijači.

5. Pretpostavljam da do sad nisi imao prilike igrati u ekipi koja je sastavljena od igrača iz toliko različitih i udaljenih zemalja? Kako to izgleda na treningu? Koliko je to drugačije od ekipa u kojima igraju “samo dečki iz kvarta”?

Za vrijeme studentskih dana sam aktivno djelovao kao član europske udruge studenta elektrotehnike EESTEC. Istina, nismo igrali nogomet, ali internacionalno i multikulturalno okruženje mi nije strano. Mislim da se upravo takvo okruženje pozitivno odražava na tim, kao i na pojedinca. Kada igrate nogomet u takvoj sredini naučite više uvažavati i prihvaćati druge te izgraditi se u konkretniju osobu. Ujedno je i azilantima to pristupačan i zanimljiv način za integraciju u društvo. Koliko je to drugačije od ekipa u kojima igraju „samo dečki iz kvarta“? Nimalo, mi već jesmo k'o „dečki iz kvarta“.

6. Koliko je bio kompliciran proces tvoje registracije u HNS?

Nimalo, dao sam papire Zlajdi da ih riješi. Šalu na stranu, postojale jesu izvjesne komplikacije jer sam rođen u Bosni i Hercegovini. Unatoč tome da živim u Hrvatskoj od svoje 4. godine, imam hrvatsko državljanstvo te sam po nacionalnosti Hrvat, potrebno jest bilo ishoditi potvrdu da nisam prijavljen za niti jedan klub u BiH. Srećem, sve je pravovremeno riješeno i mogao sam nastupiti od prve utakmice.

7. Kako je raditi s Celestinom, trenerom koji ipak iza sebe ima neko iskustvo i znanje?

Za Celestina, kao i svi, imam samo riječi hvale. Predan je timu i ozbiljan u radu. Zahtjeva od ekipe trud jer vjeruje da smo dobra momčad i da možemo puno napraviti. Vjerujem da njegovo nogometno iskustvo i znanje može izvući maksimum iz momčadi. Nitko ne preispituje niti sumnja u njegove odluke.

8. Kako ti se općenito čini liga u kojoj igramo i koji je po tebi realan domet Zagreba u prvoj sezoni. Znam da je nezahvalno davati prognoze, ali samo napiši gdje misliš da mi stojimo? Koje su nam jake strane, a gdje smo slabi?

Realno gledano liga u kojoj igramo jest najniži rang natjecanja u kojem jedan klub u Zagrebu može biti. Naravno, od nekud se mora početi. Vjerujem da realan domet, koji može Zagreb 041 ostvariti u prvoj sezoni, jest sredina ljestvice. Momčadi trenutno nedostaje kondicije, par igrača te ono najbitnije minuta u nogama. Jake strane su potencijal igrača, kvalitetan trener te potpora članova i simpatizera kluba koji donose pozitivnu atmosferu.

9. Da li se u u ovih par mjeseci priprema i nekoliko službenih utakmica desila neka “kemija” među igračima i da li ste po tvom mišljenju već počeli funkcionirati kao tim ili na tome još treba raditi?

Dobar dio igrača je počeo igrati veliki nogomet po prvi put, izvjestan broj igrača se izmijenio kroz klub za vrijeme prvih treninga i formiranja momčadi, nekonzistentnost prve postave, nedostupnost svih igrača poradi privatnih obaveza, neki su od problema s kojima se momčad suočava. Unatoč tim izazovima, momčad je već počela funkcionirati kao tim, ali naravno uvijek postoji mjesta za napredak. Za napredak potreban jest rad i iskustvo, za koje pak je potrebno vremena.

10. Kako to da su tebe igrači izabrali za kapetana?

Za kapetana sam odabran od strane trenera Celestina, a suigrači nisu imali nikakvih primjedbi po tom pitanju. Po kojem kriteriju i zašto je odabrao mene, moglo bi biti zgodno pitanje za njegov intervju.

11. U vrlo kratkom vremenu se stvorio dosta veliki hype oko kluba i na utakmice dolazi dosta veliki broj gledatelj (za ovaj rang), a imate i podršku na gostujućim utakmicama. Kako to djeluje na va igrače? Možeš li opisati što točno jednom igraču znači podrška s tribina?

Podrška koju dobivamo od strane navijača uvijek djeluje ohrabrujuće na momčad. S druge strane, nameće i određenu odgovornost. Velik broj gledatelja koji podupire klub su ujedno i članovi samog kluba. A njihov doprinos u radu Zagreba 041 omogućio je nama da istrčimo na travnjak. Mislim da shvaćate zašto osjećamo odgovornost prema njima. Vjerovanja sam da druženje igrača i navijača van stadiona čini naš odnos boljim i atmosferu u klubu pozitivnijom.

12. Za kraj, što možeš poručiti navijačima i navijačicama Zagreba? 

Za kraj bih se zahvalio našim navijačicama i navijačima, kao i svim simpatizerima kluba. Ne samo njima, nego i svima onima koji rade i odvajaju vrijeme za ovaj klub kako bi učinili ovu ideju, ovaj projekt, ovaj klub Zagreb 041 mogućim. Hvala svima na podršci i bodrenju, a mi igrači i momčad ćemo se truditi i dati sve od sebe u utakmicama koje dolaze. Pozdrav svima! :)

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Here is the first in the series of interviews with our players. For the beginning we interviewed the captain of the team, Petar Vlahović – Pero.

1. Can you introduce yourself? How old are you and what do you do except play football? Do you have any hobbies, how do you spend your free time?

Greetings to your readers, my name is Petar, friends call me Pero. I’m 25, I have graduated with the degree in Automatics at FER (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing), and I work in the production and implementation of surveillance systems and programs in industry. I spend 35% of time working abroad. I spend my free time with sport, learning, watching TV/series/anime or drinking beer.

2. When did you start playing football and where did you play before?

I started kicking the ball around a long time ago, and I’m still trying to play football. I’ve tried some serious football while in elementary school playing for NK Dalmatinac Crno. But that first and last adventure lasted only for a month.

3. How and when did you first hear about ZG041 and how did you join? What was your motivation for joining the club?

Although a lot is being said and written about the club, I don’t follow football that much, honestly, especially not Croatian football. I don’t follow media, news portals or tabloid, especially not sport, fashion etc. I heard about the club from my friend and co-player Krešimir Blažević called Gunja (I thank him for the invitation). My primary motivation for joining the club was its members, ideas and values it stands for. Of course, on top of everything, I like kicking the ball around.

4. How does it feel to play for a supporters-run club? How different is it from the clubs that you have played for?

I think I don’t have the competence to make a real comparison, but I support the idea behind the club. I believe the values of modern football are becoming distorted where the main emphasis is on profit rather than football, and football that is the main reason supporters and players are there (or should be).

6. I assume you didn’t have a chance to play in the team with players from so many different and far away countries before? How does it look during training sessions? How different is it from the teams that have only “players from the ‘hood”?

During my college days I was active as a member of a Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association (EESTEC). We didn’t play football, but I’m not foreign to international and multicultural environment. I think that this environment has positive influence on the team and individuals alike. When you play football in such surroundings you learn to accept and respect the others and grow to be a more practical person. Also, it is an accessible and interesting way for asylum seekers to integrate into society. How different is it from teams that have only “players from the ‘hood”? Not a bit – we are “boys from the ‘hood”.

6. How complicated was your registration process for the Croatian Football Association?

Not at all, I gave papers to Zlajdo and he took care of it. Seriously, though, there were some complications because I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite living in Croatia since I was 4 years old, having Croatian citizenship and being a Croat by nationality, I had to obtain a certificate that I’m not registered for any club in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Luckily, everything was handled in time and I could start playing from the first match.

7. How does it feel to work with Celestine, a coach with some experience and knowledge?

I have only praise for Celestine, just like everybody else. He is committed to the team and very serious with his work. He demands an effort from the team because he believes that we are a good team and that we can go a long way. I believe his football experience can drain the maximum from this team. Nobody questions nor doubts his decisions.

8. What do you generally think about the division we play in and what is Zagreb’s potential in this first season? I know it is ungrateful to make any predictions, but just say where do you think we stand? What are our strengths, our weaknesses?

It is a fact that our division is the lowest one in which a club from Zagreb can be. Of course, we have to start somewhere. I believe Zagreb 041 can make a mid-table finish in the first season. The team currently lack physical fitness, a few players and, most importantly, games played. Our strong sides are player’s potential, a good coach and the support from the club’s members and sympathizers who bring a positive atmosphere.

9. Did any “chemistry” occur between the players in these few months of preparation and few official games and do you think you have started to function as a team, or is it something that has to be worked on?

Many players are playing “big” football (as opposed to street football) for the first time, some players have circulated through the club during first training sessions and team formation, our first line-up is inconsistent, not all players are available due to private obligations. These are some of the problems the team is facing. Despite these challenges, we have started to function as a team but, of course, there is always room for improvement. For the improvement to take place we need work and experience, and that takes time.

10. How come the players have chosen you as a captain?

Coach Celestine chose me as a captain and the players didn’t object. Why did he choose me and what were his criteria could be a good question for his interview.

11. There was a really big hype around the club in the very short time, we have really good attendance (for this division) on both home and away matches. How does it affect the players? Can you describe what exactly does the support from the stands mean to a player?

The support we receive always has an encouraging effect on the team. On the other hand, it gives us certain responsibility. A large number of club supporters are club’s members as well. And their contribution to Zagreb 041 enabled us to be on the pitch. I think you understand why we feel responsible to them. I believe that socialization of players and supporters outside the stadium makes our relationship better and an atmosphere around the club more positive.

12. At the end, what can you tell to supporters of Zagreb?

I would like to thank to our supporters and all club’s sympathizers. Not only to them, but to everybody who work and give their time to this club and to make this idea, this project, this club Zagreb 041 possible. Thanks to everybody for support and cheering, and we, the players and the team will make an effort and do our best in the upcoming matches! Greetings to everybody! ;) 



Preporučite članak:

Prvi krug
Raspored utakmica
03.09 17:30
Čulinec - Zagreb 041
10.09 17:00
Zagreb 041 - Croatia 98
18.09 16:30
Dragonožec - Zagreb 041
24.09 16:30
Čehi - Zagreb 041
02.10 16:00
Zagreb 041 - Sava J
08.10 16:00
Zagreb 041 - Hrašće
15.10 16:00
Mala Mlaka - Zagreb 041
22.10 15:30
Zagreb 041 - Omladinac
30.10 14:30
Gavran 2003 - Zagreb 041
05.11 14:00
Zagreb 041 - Hrvatski Leskovac
12.11 14:00
Ivanja Reka - Zagreb
26.11 13:30
Zagreb 041 - Podsused
Drugi krug
Raspored utakmica
11.03 15:30
Zagreb 041 - Čulinec
19.03 15:30
Croatia 98 - Zagreb 041
25.03 15:30
Zagreb 041 - Dragonožec
02.04 16:00
Čehi - Zagreb 041
10.04 16:30
Zagreb 041 - Sava J
16.04 16:30
Hrašće - Zagreb 041
22.04 17:00
Zagreb 041 - Mala Mlaka
30.04 17:00
Omladinac - Zagreb 041
06.05 17:00
Zagreb 041 - Gavran 2003
13.05 17:30
Hrvatski Leskovac - Zagreb 041
20.05 17:30
Zagreb 041 - Ivanja Reka
03.06 18:00
Podsused - Zagreb 041
Standings provided by Sofascore
Nogometni klub "Zagreb 041"
Tišinska ulica 20
10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 (PBZ)
OIB: 66080577328
MB: 4341503