Dvije utakmice igrale su se dva vikenda za redom, prva u Odranskom Strmecu protiv lokalnog Omladinca, a druga na domaćem terenu protiv Travnog. Obje utakmice završile su pobjedom za 041. / We had two games in the last two weekends – the first one against Omladinac in Odranski Strmec and the other one at home against Travno. 041 won both games.
Četvrto kolo 3.ZNL odvelo je NK Zagreb 041 i vjerne mu Bijele Anđele u maleno turopoljsko mjestašce Odranski Strmec na noge domaćem Omladincu. Wazovci su se ponovno okupili u lijepoj brojci, tridesetak veselih djevojaka i mladića dodatno osokoljenih i potpomognutih nemalim količinima konzumiranih alkoholnih pripravaka. Navijanje iz malenog dječjeg igrališta tik uz travnjak od samog početka susreta glasno i žestoko, upravo onakvo kakva je bila i sama utakmica – natjecateljska, uzbudljiva, tvrda i uz po jedan crveni karton za svaku momčad. Nije iskrilo samo na terenu, već i među navijačima uz zapaljenu dimnu bombu čiji je oblak prekrio okolna kukuruzišta. Podrška momcima u bijelim dresovima konačno se isplatila u ekstatičnoj 93. minuti utakmice kada provalu oduševljenja i slavlja izaziva spektakularni pogodak Ivana Išguma s 30 metara. Poneseni trenutkom, neki od navijača padali su s ograde i zajednički slavili s igračima na terenu. Slavlje je nastavljeno odmah nakon utakmice dočekom igrača ispred svlačionice i nošenjem strijelca pobjedničkog pogotka na ramenima te već tradicionalnim zajedničkim roštiljem igrača i navijača.
Nakon dva uzastopna gostovanja, konačno subota na domaćem terenu s NK Travno kao protivnikom. Obje tribinice igrališta u Dugavama lijepo popunjene publikom i simpatizerima svih uzrasta. U prvom poluvremenu nešto slabije navijanje, no u drugom dijelu ekipa se uozbiljila, ispijene pive su odradile svoje tako da je navijanje podignuto na višu razinu. Zapaljena je i nezaobilazna pirotehnika, a po tribini se zavijorilo i nekoliko zastava. Ne smijemo zaboraviti ni transparent s porukom "jebe nam se, imamo svoj đir" koja sažeto i jasno opisuje duh Bijelih Anđela i Zagreba 041. Utakmica je završila pobjedom Zagreba 041 s 2:0, doduše uz prilično žilaviji otpor Travnog nego što se očekivalo. No tri boda se broje i ta je činjenice dostojno proslavljena uz ciganski gulaš koji je spremio Krle, službeni chef NK Zagreba 041 i nekoliko gajbi pive.
Fourth game in the 3rd ZNL (Zagreb area football league) took FC Zagreb 041 and its faithful White Angels in a little place called Odranski Strmec to play a local club Omladinac. White Angels have gathered in fine numbers for this game – 30 merry girls and boys additionally boosted by not-so-small quantities of alcoholic beverages. Vocal support from the small playground near the pitch was loud and forceful from the start. The match was just the same – competitive, exciting and hard with a red card for each team. The atmosphere was lit up both on the pitch and beside it – there was a thick black smoke bomb that covered the surrounding cornfields with smoke. The support for the team paid out in the ecstatic 93rd minute when Ivan Išgum spectacularly scored from 30 meters, bringing chaos and celebration among the fans. Carried by the moment, some fans were falling from the fence and joining the celebration on the pitch. The celebration continued by waiting for the players in front of changing rooms, carrying the winning-goal scorer and a traditional supporters and players barbacue.
After two successive away games, finally there was a Saturday home game against FC Travno. Both stands in Dugave were nicely filled with supporters of every age. The supporting in the first half was not on the level, but the supporters got serious in the second half (it must be all the beers that were drunk in the meantime) so the supporting was brought to the next level. We had a traditional pyro show with a few flags on the stands. We have also put up a banner with a sign “we don’t give a fuck, we have our own thing” (some meaning might have been lost in translation…:) , that summarizes the spirit of White Angels and Zagreb 041. The game finished with ZG041 winning 2:0 after some unexpectedly tough Travno defending. But the three points were there and they were properly celebrated with a few cases of beer and Gipsy stew made by Krle, the official Zagreb 041 chef.