

Intervju s našim igračem s Maksimira. // Interview with our player.

Obzirom da si baš ti, Igore Krpane odabran od strane članova i simaptizera kluba kao sljedeća osoba koju ćemo intervjuirati, krenimo s pitanjima… 

1. Za početak jedno gorko pitanje, iznesi nam svoj kratak osvrt na zadnjih nekoliko utakmica, što je prema tvome mišljenju uzork slabijim rezultatima? 

Nažalost, svjesni smo činjenice da smo kiksali onda kada nije trebalo. Mislim da se mala doza nervoze, uslijed odličnih početnih rezultata, pokazala dovoljnom da na kratko poremeti formu na terenu, ali siguran sam da će sve polako sjesti na svoje mjesto i da ćemo se vratiti dobroj igri i pobjedama.

2. A sad na početke početaka, od kud tebe u NK Zagreb 041?

Igrom slučaja. U početku, dok smo se još kalili na prekrasnom travnjaku ispred mamutice, pojavilo se nas par hahara s kvarta na jednom treningu i eto nas sad ovdje, godinu i pol dana nakon, još uvijek se ne damo otjerati.

3. Jesi li ikad požalio zbog toga? :D 

Nisam, dapače jako mi je drago i ne mogu zamisliti drugačije.  

4. Tvoje iskustvo igranja nogometa prije NK Zagreb 041?

A znaš kak je, bilo je tu puno članaka u novinama - wunderkind s maksimira, bogovska desnica, novi Dado Pršo ... Svašta su pisali, ali ja sam skroman momak pa sam se nakon davne i kratke avanture u kvartovskom klubu odao piću i ženama.

5. Priča se za vas s Maksimira (ti, Podrepšak, Išgum, …) da ste najveći fanovi Alcatraza, kako to utječe na utakmice vikendom? 

Haha... Vidim da smo mućki razotkriveni, ali u našu obranu Alkić je divno i mirno mjesto, dušu dalo za team building i razmatranje strategija za dati dan utakmice. :)

6. Što okupira tvoje vrijeme izvan kluba?

Uglavnom su to poslovne ili društvene obaveze. Volio bi reći da idem u kazalište, na izložbe, da čitam Kafku i promišljam o životu, ali ne čitam, odem rijetko i život je gadan. :)

7. Dijeliš li klupske vrijednosti? Direktna demokracija, integracija izbjeglica, protiv korupcije, rasizma i svih drugih oblika diskriminacije?

Da, zapravo dijelim sve svjetonazore koji isključuju kamenjarizam, mržnju, lopovluk, zlobu, jal i ostala sranja koja krase sitne duše i male ljude. 

8. Koji moment bi izdvojio kao jedan od najdražih u ovome klubu? Možeš navesti i više njih ako se ne možeš odlučiti za jedan.

Kad se sjetim kako je krenulo, od onog terena ''kravopolja'' gdje su neki ostavljali ramena i zglobove, opće pomutnje na tekmama te slaganja stabilne ekipe, kluba i svega ostalog ... Meni osobno činjenica da je danas situacija oko svih stvari u klubu neusporedivo bolja i kvalitetnija pruža nevjerojatan gušt i ponos. Naravno, sve je to direktna zasluga ljudi koji na tome non stop rade i troše svoje vrijeme i svima njima ovim putem jedno ogromno hvala i kapa do poda.

9. Što ti je sve donio ovaj klub, što on znači za tebe? Rekreacija, prijateljstva, osjećaj pripadnosti?

Danas kad čovjek često stvari kroz dan radi s određenim grčem u želucu lijepo je doći negdje (trening pa piće dva, ekipa i tekme s navijacima itd) gdje ti je gušt i gdje imaš sve što mi kao igrači ovdje imamo. 

10. Što te najviše razljuti u vezi utakmica i djelovanja kluba općenito?Jesu li to prazne gajbe poslije utakmice ili nešto drugo? :D

Gajba nikako nije dobra kad je prazna, a jedna od većih frustracija su ozljede, loša igra i izgubljene tekme, ili kad ti Grosman skriva tenisice u svlačioni jer zašto ne. 

11. Primjetili smo da ti je obitelj redovita podrška na tribinama, veseli li te njihov dolazak ili ti ipak pomalo stvaraju pritisak? 

Haha .. Fora je da se i mojima sviđa klub, ljudi, cijela priča i taj projekt. A i dečki vole kolače, sirotinja gladna. :D.

12. Koja ti je najdraža pjesma s tribina? 

Favorit su mi najveći šlageri u direkciji Verlija u elementu kad šmugne na tribinu. A navijanje je uvijek poseban i definitivno najljepši dio tekmi kao i neprocijenjiv osmijeh na Zlajdinom licu kad krene pirotehnika. ;) 

13. Uvijek kažemo igračima da poruče nešto za kraj intervjua, Igore? 

Hvala na strpljenju u čekanju mojih odgovora na pitanja i prilici da se dodvorim svim navijačima koji ih budu probali čitati. 

Samo Zagreb, samo 041!   


Considering that you, Igor Krpan, has been chosen by the members and supporters of the club as a next person to be interviewed, let’s start with the questions:

1. One bitter question for the start - can we have your short summary of the last few games, what so you think is the cause of bad results?

Unfortunately, we are aware of the fact that we lost when we shouldn’t. I think that, after an excellent beginning of the season, a little nervousness was enough to shortly disrupt the team’s form, but I am sure that it will all settle in and we will have our good games and our wins back.

2. Now we can start from the beginning - how did you come to Zagreb 041?

By coincidence. At first, while we were playing at a beautiful meadow in front of “mamutica” (the largest building block in Zagreb), a couple of us guys from the ‘hood showed up and here we are - one and a half years later and you still can’t get rid of us.

3. Have you ever felt sorry for that? :D

No, in fact I’m very glad about it and couldn’t think it could be otherwise.

4. Your football experience before Zagreb 041?

Well, you know how it is, there were a lot of newspaper articles - Maksimir’s wunderkind, god-given right foot, new Dado Pršo… They were writing a lot of things, but I’m a humble guy so after a short adventure in a club from the neighbourhood I started drinking and chasing women…

5. There is a story about you guys from Maksimir (you, Podrepšak, Išgum…) are biggest fans of Alcartaz - how does it influence your weekend games? :)

Haha… I see that we are revealed here, but to our defence Alkić iz a nice and quiet place, heaven sent for team building and considering strategies for the match.:)

6. What do you do outside of the club?

Mostly business and social commitments. I’d like to say that I visit the theatre, exhibitions, that I read Kafka and think about life, but I don’t read, I visit these places rarely and life is tough. :) 

7. Do you share the club’s values? Direct democracy, integration of refugees, struggle against corruption, racism and other forms of discrimination?

Yes, actually I share everything that excludes bigotry, hate, theft, jealousy, malice and other shit that is a virtue for little people and narrow minded souls.

8. What is your favourite moment in the club? You can state more of them if you can’t make up your mind.. 

When I remember how it all started, from those “pastures” where some have left their shoulders and ankles, utter disorganisations on the matches and building of a stable team, club and everything else.. I am incredibly proud and happy about the fact that the situation about everything around the club has immensely improved in quality. Of course, it is direct contribution of those people who work on that around the clock and spend their time doing it, so this is a way to give them a hats-down and a really big thank you.

9. What did the club bring to you, what does it mean to you? Recreation, friendship, a sense of belonging?

Today, when everything you do through the day you do with a certain bad feeling in your guts it is nice to come somewhere (training, a few drinks with the team and the supporters, matches etc.) where you are enjoying yourself and where you have everything we as players have.

10. What can get you mad with the matches or functioning of the club in general? Perhaps empty beer cases or something else? :D

Beer case is never good when empty, and the biggest frustrations include injuries, bad playing and lost games, or when Grosman hides your tennis shoes in the changing room because 

“why not do that?”.

11. We noticed your family is a consistent support on the stands, are you happy with them coming to matches or do they put pressure on you? :)

Haha… It’s cool that my folks like the club, the people and the whole project. And the guys love my mom’s cakes, poor hungry folk. :D

12. What is your favourite song from the stands?

My favourite are hits directed by Verli when he escapes to the stands. And the songs and supporting is always special and definitely most beautiful part of the match, as well as that priceless smile on Zlajdo’s face when the pyro show starts. ;)

13. We always tell players to say something for the end of the interview, Igor? :)

Thank you for the patience in waiting for my response and for the chance to present myself to supporters who try read it.

Only Zagreb, only 041. 


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