

Nastavljamo praksu s intervjuiranjem naših dragih igrača. U ovom tjednu predstavljamo Mateja Križanića, već uhodanog igrača NKZagreb041 koji je osvojio srca navijača svojom simpatičnosti i srčanosti za igranjem.

Prvo  ti želimo čestitati na laskavoj tituli igrača s najviše odigranih utakmica u nogama za NK Zagreb 041. Reci nam još nešto o sebi, odakle si, čime se baviš i sl.?

Hvala na čestitkama, užitak mi je igrati za ovaj klub i nadam se da je ovo samo početak. Inače sam iz Petrinje, ali trenutno studiram geografiju i povijest u Zagrebu pa tu i živim. Primarna okupacija su mi fakultet i treninzi pa se slabo stignem baviti drugim stvarima. Ali u slobodno vrijeme volim kartati, igrati mali nogomet, gledati serije, popiti pivu...

Na koji način se Zagreb 041 našao na tvom životnom putu i kako si reagirao na cijelu tu ideju?

Pošto studiram na Filozofskom fakultetu, prijavio sam se s ekipom na njihov malonogometni turnir i ispali smo u grupi sa ekipom Zagreb 041. Kako su bili dosta veliki razmaci između utakmica, igrači iz različitih ekipa su dosta pričali međusobno i upoznavali se. Nekolicina dečki iz moje ekipe i ja smo odlučili doći na jedan trening da vidimo kako to izgleda. U međuvremenu su ostali dečki odustali pa sam na trening došao sam i nisam požalio. Moram spomenuti da su azilanti tijekom cijelog turnira bili iznimno simpatični i prijateljski nastrojeni prema svima nama pa su i oni bili jedan od faktora koji me ponukao da se uključim u sve to.

Cijeli svoj život igraš mali nogomet, da li ti je bilo teško priviknuti se na veliki?

Poprilično teško. U početku sam mislio da to neće biti nikakav problem jer koliko se uopće mali i veliki nogomet mogu razlikovati? Bio sam u krivu i zapravo se još uvijek privikavam na sve to. Iako ima još dečki koji su sa malog prešli na veliki nogomet i dosta im dobro ide tako da je uglavnom problem u meni, ali vjerujem da ću uskoro napokon proigrati i u velikom nogometu.

Na kojoj poziciji igraš i da li si zadovoljan njome i svojom dosadašnjom izvedbom?

Prvu polusezonu sam većinom proveo na desnom krilu, iako je bilo izleta i na lijevi bek, zadnjeg veznog, ali i u špicu. Kako su počele pripreme za drugu polusezonu, trener je započeo s uvježbavanjem drugačije formacije, bez krila, ali sa trojicom u sredini pa me u toj formaciji najčešće koristio u vezi ili u polušpici što mi se malo više sviđa od krila, ali još moram dosta raditi da se naučim kretati na tim pozicijama. Svojom izvedbom do sada nisam zadovoljan, mislim da to mora puno bolje izgledati i dat ću sve od sebe da na kraju sezone trener, suigrači, navijači, ali i najvažnije, ja sam budem zadovoljan svojom igrom.

Jesu li ispunjena tvoja očekivanja naspram kluba??

Iskreno, u početku nisam bio skroz upućen u cijelu tu priču tako da nisam niti znao što očekivati. Došao sam sa ciljem da igram nogomet i to je bilo to. No kako je to krenulo, shvatio sam da je ovo puno više od običnog kluba u županijskoj ligi. Integracija azilanata i borba protiv rasizma i općenito protiv diskriminacije, pa prva utakmica i show na tribini; stotinu navijača koji zajedno navijaju, poslije utakmice zajednička druženja.. sve to me jako pozitivno iznenadilo i ne prestaje oduševljavati tijekom svake utakmice.

Naši statističari kažu da si dosad igrač s najviše odigranih utakmica za klub, znači 11/11, što te motivira na učestalost dolazaka?

Kao što sam rekao, došao sam ovdje prije svega igrati nogomet tako da se trudim biti na treninzima i utakmicama koliko god sam to u mogućnosti. I vjerujem da govorim u ime svih suigrača kad kažem da nam je podrška navijača, ta pjesma s tribina, ogroman motiv za još jače treniranje i zalaganje.

Što očekuješ od prve, povijesne sezone? Ali daj nam svoj odgovor, ne onaj stereotip: „Biti prvi!“

Iako i mi igrači nekada volimo prognozirati u kojem ćemo dijelu tablice na kraju završiti, ja mislim da je to manje bitno. Mislim da je za prvu sezonu najvažnije napraviti neki kostur ekipe koji će i u budućnosti ostati zajedno i na koji će trener uvijek moći računati. Naravno da pod time podrazumijevam i sve bolju igru i brzo napredovanje jer to neće imati smisla ako budemo stagnirali. Ako se to ostvari, uvjeren sam da niti rezultat neće izostati. Volio bih i da sezonu završimo bez daljnjih ozljeda i da na kraju trener i navijači ne budu nezadovoljni onime što smo pokazali tijekom cijele sezone.

Često te suigrači zezaju da ti oni i navijači još ne znaju ime, makar si stalno prisutan, imaš li neki nadimak unutar kluba po kojem želiš da te zovu i pamte?

Hahaha, ta priča korijenje vuče još od mojih prvih par treninga kada sam se predstavljao kao Matej, a dio suigrača, uključujući trenera, me zvao Matija. I to mi nije u početku previše smetalo (iako sam ih se trudio ispravljati kad god su rekli Matija) sve dok se klubu nije počelo priključivati sve više igrača sa sličnim imenom. To je, prije svega Celestinu, ali i nama ostalima, počelo predstavljati problem pa sam im rekao da je bolje da me zovu Križa (kako me i inače većina ljudi koje znam zove) i, uz Gunjinu pomoć, taj je prijedlog prošao.

Kakva je ekipa i atmosfera na treninzima i kako se Celestine snalazi u ulozi trenera? Također, kako ti je surađivati sa azilantima i tražiteljima azila budući da postoji kulturna i jezična barijera?

Treninzi su, kada ih usporedim sa onima koje sam imao u malom nogometu, zanimljiviji, opušteniji, ali i kvalitetniji. Gotovo da se ne sjećam treninga na kojem se nisam pošteno nasmijao. S druge strane, 15-20 različitih ljudi iz raznih dijelova svijeta pokušava igrati zajedno, a s nekima se jedva mogu i sporazumijeti. S obzirom na to, mislim da Celestine radi odličan posao pokušavajući nas naučiti da igramo zajedno, kao jedan. Što se azilanata tiče, dosta su dobri igrači i, što je meni još važnije, stalno su nasmijani tako da pridonose odličnoj atmosferi na treninzima. I možda mi riječ „barijera“ zvuči malo pregrubo. Ja to više vidim kao dodir različitih kultura tako da stalno učimo jedni od drugih. Istina, neki od njih ne znaju ni hrvatski ni engleski, ali uvijek se nađe način da se s nekim sporazumiješ, pogotovo u nogometu. Na kraju, mislim da nogomet govori univerzalnim jezikom i da nema te jezične barijere koju ne može probiti.

Možeš li se sjetiti neke anegdote s treninga ili utakmica?

Uglavnom je na treninzima zanimljivo i ima svega, pogotovo kada je Grosman tu, ali možda je više anegdota i nekakvih gluposti bilo u početku, dok su kroz klub prolazili razni igrači, od kojih je dio odustao nakon par treninga. Sjećam se da je jedan dečko došao s kapom na trening (ljeto, temperatura +30), a na treningu smo uvježbavali neku akciju koju je trebalo završiti udarcem glavom. Kada je prvi put došao na red, nije najbolje ispalo i Celestine mu je rekao da skine kapu. On je to ignorirao i drugi put mu je Celestine jednostavno rekao da je za njega trening završen. Kasnije, kada smo ga pitali zašto nije htio skinuti kapu, rekao je da se ošišao i da nije zadovoljan frizurom. U početku je puno takvih stvari, ali nedavne anegdote se uglavnom vežu uz Arbutinu (poluvolej, Čovječe, gdje su mi kopačke?, internet bankarstvo...), ali on je trenutno zvijezda pa ipak ne bih o tome.

Na kraju, imaš li neku poruku, pohvalu, želju ili pozdrave za suigrače i navijače?

Prije svega bih htio zahvaliti navijačima na podršci koju nam stalno pružaju i koja daje tu jednu dimenziju više svakoj utakmici. To nikada prije nisam doživio na taj način i hvala im na tom iskustvu. S druge strane, velika hvala suigračima i osobito treneru što me trpe već skoro godinu dana i što mi, unatoč mojim neuvjerljivim igrama i dalje pružaju potporu. 



We continue with the interviews of our players. This week we present Matej Križanić, already a veteran FC Zagreb 041 player who won the hearts of fans with his likeable personality and enthusiasm on the pitch.

First we wish to congratulate you for the title of a player with most matches for FC Zagreb 041. Tell us something about yourself - where are you from, what do you do, etc.?

Thanks for the congratulations, I enjoy playing for this club and I hope this is just the beginning. I am from Petrinja but am studying history and geography in Zagreb at the moment so I live here. My primary occupation is college and training so I don’t have much time for other things. But in my free time I like playing cards, playing street football, watch TV shows, drink beer…

How did Zagreb 041 come into your path and how did you react to the whole idea?

As I study at the Faculty of philosophy, I applied with my team to their football tournament and we played in a group against Zagreb 041 team. As we had a lot of time between matches, players from different team s talked a lot and got to know each other. That’s how I found about founding of the club and decided to come to a training to see how it looks like with some friend from my team. In the meantime other guys quit so I came to the training myself and was glad I did. I have to mention that the asylum seekers were very nice and friendly to us during the whole tournament  so they were also one of the factors that helped me decide to join the whole thing.

You play street football your whole life, was it hard to get used to real football?

Pretty hard. At first I thought it wouldn’t be a problem, because how much difference can it be, right? I  was wrong and I am still getting used to it. Although there are more guys who switched from street football to the real thing and are doing quite well, so the problem is mostly in me, but I believe that I will start playing properly on the big pitch soon.

What position do you play, and are you happy with your performance so far?

I spent the first half-season as a right winger although I’ve had some excursions to left back, defensive midfielder but to the attack as well. As we started preparing for the second half season, the coach started training a different formation, without wings but with three midfielders so in that formation he used me in the midfield or as an attacking midfielder, a position that I prefer more than a winger, but I still have a lot of work to do to learn how to move on the field at these positions. I am not happy with my performance so far, I think it should look much better and I will give my best so that the coach, the player, the supporters and, most importantly, myself are satisfied at the end of the season.

Did the club live up to your expectations?

Honestly, I didn’t know a lot about that whole story at the start so I didn’t know what to expect. I came with the purpose to play football and that was it. But, as things started moving, I realized that this is much more than just a low division club. Integration of migrants and struggle against racism and discrimination in general, then the first match and the show at the stands, a hundred supporters cheering together, hanging out together after the match…it all came as a positive surprise and it doesn’t stop inspiring me through every match.

Our statisticians say you are the player with most matches played for the club, 12 out of 12. What motivates you to be a regular at the trainings and matches?

As I said, I came here to play football so I try to be at every training and match as I possibly can. I and believe I speak on behalf of all of our teammates when I say that the support and the songs from the stands are a great motive for additional training and for giving our best.

What do you expect of the first, historical season? But give us your answer, not the typical one: “To be first!”

Although we players also like to forecast our final position, I thing it is not that important. I think the most important thing for the first season is to make an outline of the team that will stay together in the future and who the coach can always count on. Of course, under that I assume an even better performance and quick advancement because it doesn’t make sense if we stagnate. If that happens, I am convinced that the result will be there as well. I would also like to finish the season without any more injuries and that the coach and the supporters aren’t dissatisfied with what we’ve shown throughout the season.

Your teammates often joke that neither they nor the supporters know your name, although you are always there. Do you have a nickname within the club you wish to be called by and remembered for?

Hahaha, this is a story that started during my first few training sessions when I introduces myself as Matej, and part of my teammates, including the coach, called me Matija. It didn’t bother me at first (although I tried to correct them every time they called me Matija), but then more players with a similar name started joining the club. That started to present a problem for Celestin and others, so I told them it is better to call me Križa (which is how most people who know me call me), and with Gunja’s help, it stuck.

What is the team and the atmosphere like at the trainings and how does Celestine handle the role as a coach? Also, how do you find cooperating with asylum seekers considering the cultural and language barrier?

The trainings are, when compared to the once I had playing street football, more interesting, more relaxed but also with more quality. I hardly remember a training that I didn’t have a hard laugh. On the other hand, 15 to 20 people from different parts of the world are trying to play together, and I can barely understand some of them. Considering that, I think Celestine does an excellent job trying to teach us to play together, as one. As the asylum seekers are concerned, they are quite good players and, more important to me, they are smiling all the time so they contribute to great atmosphere at the training. And the word “barrier” is a bit too rough. I see it more as a touch of different cultures so we are always learning from each other. True, some of them don’t speak either Croatian or English, but there is always a way to understand someone, especially in football. At the end, I think football speaks a universal language and that there is no language barrier it can’t break through.

Can you remember a funny story from some training session or match?

Trainings are usually interesting and a lot happens, especially when Grosman is around, but perhaps we had more funny situations and silly things at the beginning while different players were passing through the club, and some of them quit after a few trainings. I remember a guy coming to a training in a hat (summer, +30 degrees), and we had a practice which ended in a header. When it was his turn the first time it didn’t turn out that good and Celestine told him to take the cap off. He ignored it and next time Celestine told him that the training was over for him. Later, when we asked him why didn’t he want to take the cap off, he sad he had a haircut and he wasn’t satisfied with how it turned out. There were a lot of these things at the beginning but recent anecdotes are usually tied to Arbutina (half-volley, “Dude, where are my shoes?”, internet banking…) but he is a star at the moment so I wouldn’t go there.

At the end, do you have any message, wish or greetings for teammates or supporters?

First I would like to thank the fans for the support they are giving us constantly and that gives every match additional dimension. I have never experienced it in that way earlier and I wish to thank them for that experience. On the other hand, big thanks to my teammates and especially the coach for putting up with me for almost a year now and for giving me support despite my unconvincing games.




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