
Najava gostujuće utakmice protiv NK Sava Jakuševac / /Announcement of away game against FC Sava Jakuševac

Utakmica protiv NK Sava Jakuševac trebala je biti naša uvodna u ligi ove sezone i odigrana još 04.09. // The match against FC Sava Jakuševac was supposed to be our opening league match and to be played on 4th September

Utakmica protiv NK Sava Jakuševac trebala je biti naša uvodna u ligi ove sezone i odigrana još 04.09., no zbog tehničkih poteškoća u navedenom klubu, pristali smo na odgodu i igra se sutra, 14.9.2016.
NK Sava Jakuševac prošle godine nije bio registriran ni u jednoj ligi, ali ih pamtimo po dvije prijateljske utakmice koje smo odigrali još prije početka prošle sezone, ujedno i prve klupske utakmice ikad!
Prvu utakmicu smo pobijedili 4:2, a drugu remizirali 2:2.
Teren je našim dečkima jako dobro poznat i kao domaći jer tamo odrađuju sve treninge. Sezona nam je počela odlično, s dobivenom kup utakmicom i prvom ligaškom tako da idemo u nove pobjede!
Za kraj da ponovimo sve još jednom: srijeda, 14.09.2016., 17.30, Tišinska ulica 20, vidimo se!


The match against FC Sava Jakuševac was supposed to be our opening league match and to be played on 4th September, but due to technical difficulties in the mentioned club, we agreed to postpone it and it will be played tomorrow on Wednesday 14th September 2016.
Last year FC Sava Jakuševac  was not registered in any competition, but we remember them for two friendly matches that we played before the start of the last season, also the first club matches ever!
We won the one with score 4:2, and the second we played draw, 2:2.
NK Zagreb 041 players will feel like home on the terrain of NK Sava Jakuševac, because that’s also field where they regularly train. We are having wonderful start of the season with two won games out of two, one in preliminary round of Cup and second in our opening league game, so let’s go for new victories!
And to repeat everything one more time: Wednesday, 14th September 2016., 17.30, Tišinska ulica 20, see you all there!

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IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 (PBZ)
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MB: 4341503
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