
Najava sezone 2019/2020

Nova sezona je blizu, a evo što ima novog kod nas.


Zagrebački nogometni savez je objavio raspored igranja utakmica 3. ZNL u sezoni 2019/2020, a raspored naših utakmica možete pogledati na našoj stranici.

Sezonu otvaramo domaćom utakmicom 07.09. protiv NK Gavran, a već iduće kolo nam u goste dolazi nova ekipa u ovoj ligi "Devetka". Ove sezone će se u 3. ZNL natjecati 8 ekipa i uz spomenute tu su još vrlo dobro nam poznati Hrašće, Kašina, Mala Mlaka, Omladinac, Čulinec. Prvenstvo se igra trokružno. Da, Kašina se vratila, tako da možemo opet busom na gostovanje :)

U našem klubu, u odnosu na prošlu sezonu su se desile dvije promjene. Prva je da  Matej Petković više nije trener seniorske momčadi. Mateju se zahvaljujemo na njegovom ogromnom doprinosu klubu koji je ostvario, kao trener, igrač i aktivan član kluba. Na njegovo mjesto trenera dolazi Igor Krpan, svim našim starim članovima i članicama poznat igrač. Igor je za nas igrao prve dvije sezone i onda se u trećoj preselio na tribinu, zbog ozljede. Igor će, kao netko tko je s nama od početka, pokušati okupiti ekipu koja će biti mix starih i novih igrača i stvoriti pozitivnu atmosferu u kojoj će igrači dati svoj maksimom. Igor trenutno slaže popis igrača koji će krenuti u pripreme sredinom kolovoza i više o tome i o prijateljskim utakmicama ćete moći pročitati na našim stranicama.

Druga velika novost je da će naš klub u svojoj 5. sezoni konačno imati na raspolaganju jedan teren na kojem ćemo trenirati i igrati službene utakmice. Radi se o svima nama dobro poznatom terenu NK Sava Jakuševec gdje smo dogovorili treninge i utakmica za cijelu iduću sezonu. Tamo smo već trenirali jednu polusezonu i odigrali mnoge utakmice, radi se o dosta kvalitetnom terenu i što je svim našim članovima i članicama bitno, o terenu koji se nalazi u gradu, tako da dolazak na utakmice neće trebati putovati.

Nadamo se da će ove dvije novosti doprinijeti da se vrati pozitivna atmosfera i momčad i na tribinu i da ćemo od početka krenuti jako i srčano kao što je to bilo u prvim sezonama.

Omladinski pogon nastavlja s treninzima u rujnu, a kroz ovu sezonu ćemo se da dvije ili tri selekcije natjecati u neformalnim ligama, s ciljem da kroz ovu sezonu pripremimo minimalno dvije selekcije koje će iduće sezone biti spremne za službena natjecanja.

Ženska ekipa nastavlja s treninzima s ciljem da u sezoni 2020/2021 igraju 1. malonogometnu žensku ligu.

Klub je (i dalje) naš. Takav je kakav je i takvog ga volimo, čitamo se kroz ljeto, i vidimo se u kolovozu na pripremnim utakmicama. Do tada uživajte u odmoru i čuvajte glasnice.

Vaš NK Zagreb 041


The new season is about to start soon, so here are the latest news from Zagreb 041. 

The Football Association of Zagreb has published the schedule of 3rd Division Zagreb League, and it can be browsed on our web page. 

The season starts with a home match on September 7th against Gavran. Already in the next round we will host the new team in the league Devetka (“Number Nine”). This season the 3rd Division Zagreb League will consist of 8 teams and with the above mentioned there are all very well known teams: Hrašće, Kašina, Mala Mlaka, Omladinac and Čulinec. The championship will be played in three rounds. Yes, Kašina has returned to our rank so we can again take a bus to the away match! :)

There were two important changes within our cub regarding the last season. The first is that Matej Petković is no longer the coach of the male senior team. We are very grateful to Matej for his immense contribution to the club as the coach, player and the active member of the club. He will be replaced by Igor Krpan, who is well known within our community as a former player. Igor played for the team during the first two season and then was injured during the third season. As someone who is in the club from the start, Igor will give his best to form a team which will be a mix of older and young players, and to create a positive atmosphere that will enable every individual player to give his maximum. The list of players who will start with the practices by mid-August is currently building up. The infos about the team and about the friendly matches will be posted on our web pages. 

The other big news is that our club in its 5th season will at last have the same field for the practices and for the official matches. It is a field of FC Sava Jakuševac, which is well known to the most of the fans and members. We have already had practices there during one half-season and it is really a field of high quality. And what’s of great importance for our members and fans, the field is situated within city of Zagreb, so the coming and traveling to the home matches will not take a lot of time. 

We hope that this two news will contribute to rebuilding of positive atmosphere both within the team and the fans and that we’ll enter the season with great energy and passion as we did in the first seasons. 

The youth/kids team will continue with the practices in September and through this season the goal will be to have two or three selections to compete in unofficial leagues and tournaments. The long term goal is to prepare a minimum of two selections which will be ready for the official competitions of the Football Association in the season 2020/2021. 

The women’s team as well continues with the practices, with the goal of competing in the national Futsal league in the season 2020/2021. 

The club is (still) ours. It is what it is and we love it as such. Read us through summer and see you in August for the training matches. Until then enjoy the summer and rest your vocal cords. 

Yours Zagreb 041. 

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Nogometni klub "Zagreb 041"
Kombolova 13
10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 (PBZ)
OIB: 66080577328
MB: 4341503
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