
Pomozi školi nogometa NK ZAGREB 041 / Support Zagreb 041 football school by donating

Do 1.12.2018 trajat će kampanja za prikupljanje sredstava koja će omogućiti našim najmlađim igračicama i igračima da igraju svoju prvu ligu.


NK Zagreb 041 od samog osnutka kluba ima školu nogometa. Treninzi imaju stručan pedagoški pristup usmjeren na cjelovit razvoj djeteta s naglaskom na toleranciju i inkluzivnost. Imamo ujednačen pristup djeci neovisno o predznanju ili fizičkim mogućnostima djeteta i neovisno o ekonomskom statusu roditelja.

Kroz školu nogometa djeci osim nogometnog znanja želimo prenijeti vrijednosti do kojih nam je inače u klubu stalo: solidarnost, prijateljstvo, sportsko nadmetanje s uvažavanjem protivnika te timski rad. Ne jurišamo na titule, niti stvaramo šampione nego se trudimo djeci ponuditi priliku da se bave sportom i osjećaju sretno.

Kroz ove 3 godine kroz školu je prošlo oko 30-ak djece izbjeglica. Jedan dio njih je kroz naše treninge naučio prve riječi na hrvatskom i stekao prve prijatelje u Zagrebu. Dobrom dijelu njih smo, osim kroz ispunjavanje slobodnog vremena nogometom, pomagali i u nabavci osnovnih sredstava za život, pomagali oko škole, vozili ih na rođendane od školskih prijatelja. Ukratko, primili smo ih u našu obitelj i pomagali oko svega oko čega smo mogli.

Upravo zbog te socijalne komponente koju imamo, škola nogometa ne može biti financijski pokrivena samo od participacija roditelja koji ju mogu plaćati. Troškovi su relativno veliki, jer plaćamo osam termina mjesečno u dvorani, a od ove sezone će se djeca natjecati u ligi koja također ima svoje troškove. Zbog lige moramo djeci i kupiti dresove, što je također dodatan trošak.

Zato trebamo pomoć svih vas: prvenstveno svih naših članica i članova koji su nas podržavali sve ove godine i bez kojih ne bi ni bili tu gdje smo sad. Osim članova i članica obraćamo se i svim ljudima koji misle da je ovo što radimo dobro, koji misle da su sva djeca zaslužila imati priliku baviti se sportom i koji nas žele podržati da to radimo i dalje.

Liga nam počinje 1.12. i bitno je da to tad skupimo barem za dresove (1500 kn) i za kotizaciju lige (1000 kn). Sav novac koji bi eventualno skupili preko ovog iznosa išao bi za najam dvorane za idući period.

Sve koji žele i mogu pomoći pozivamo da uplate koliko mogu (svaka kuna nam puno znači) na:

IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 sa opisom "Donacija za školu nogometa ZG041".
Za uplate iz inozemstva: 

Barkod za uplatu preko mobilnog bankarstva:

Svim pravnim osobama kojima je to potrebno, možemo izdati i potvrdu da su nam uplatili donaciju.

Podsjećamo sve vlasnike trgovačkih društava i obrta da im se do 2% ukupnih godišnjih prihoda koje doniraju smatra porezno priznatim troškom!

U slučaju da postoji interes za sponzorstvom naše najmlađe ekipe, možemo se i oko toga dogovoriti - samo se javite na




Football club Zagreb 041 has started a fundraising campaign to enable our youngest boys and girls to start competing in a kid's football league for the first time. 

Almost since the foundation of the club, Zagreb 041 has been organizing a school of football for the kids. Football practices are based on professional pedagogical approach which as its ultimate goal takes comprehensive development of a child, with a strong emphasis on mutual tolerance and inclusiveness. An approach to every individual child is equal regardless of starting football skills, physical predispositions or parent’s economical status.

Through the football school, except the footballing skills, we want to teach the children the most respected values of Zagreb 041: solidarity, friendship, team work and sports competition with respect towards the opponent. We are not chasing titles or producing champions and celebrities, but we make a great effort to give the children a chance to participate in sports while feeling happy. 

During these three years about 30 refugee children has participated in our football school. Some of them have learned their first Croatian words and made first friendships in Zagreb 041. For a significant number of them we have, besides filling their leisure time with football, also helped in purchasing basic life necessities, dealing with school obligations and home-works and drove them to birthday parties of their friends. In short, we let them become part of our family and helped them in any way possible. 

But because of this social component that we are trying to promote, the football school’s expenses cannot be covered solely with the participation of parents who can afford that. The expenses are relatively high because we need to pay to rent the hall for the practices eight times per month. Also, beginning with this season the children will start competing in a kid’s league which also has significant costs. Because of the league we need to provide the children with the jerseys which is additional financial burden. 

That is why we need the help from all of you: primarily from all of our members who have been supporting us during these years and without whom wouldn't be where we are now. Besides members, we appeal to all people who find our work valuable and good, who think that every child deserves an opportunity and who are willing to support us to continue doing that in the future. 

The league begins on December 1st and it is important that we collect enough funds at least for the jerseys (1500 kn which is around 200 €) and for the participation fee (1000 kn which is around 150 €) . If we collect more than the stated amount, the surplus funds will be allocated for renting the hall in the coming months. 

We invite all of you who can help us to pay any amount which you can afford (every euro is more than welcome) to: 

IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 with description "Donation for ZG041 football school".


In case that you are interested in sponsoring our youngest team, we can also arrange something about that – just contact us at

Many thanks and friendly regards!

Preporučite članak:

Standings provided by Sofascore
Nogometni klub "Zagreb 041"
Kombolova 13
10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 (PBZ)
OIB: 66080577328
MB: 4341503
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