
Predstavljamo igrače - Mario Krešić

Poslije kapetana Vlahovića, radnika, donosimo intervju i s jednim našim studentom. Mario Krešić igrač je koji je odigrao četiri od pet utakmica NK Zagreb 041. Ustalio se na poziciji desnog beka. / After our captain Vlahović who is a worker we have interviewed one of our students. Mario Krešić is a player who played four out of five FC Zagreb 041 matches. He is a regular right-back.

1. Možeš li nam se za početak predstaviti? Koliko imaš godina i čime se baviš osim nogometa? Imaš li neke hobije, kako provodiš slobodno vrijeme?

Prije svega pozdrav čitateljima, navijačima, članovima i ostalim simpatizerima kluba. Zovem se Mario. Imam 21 godinu. Studiram na Veleučilištu Baltazar u Zaprešiću, smjer Menadžment uredskog poslovanja. U slobodno vrijeme volim pogledati dobru utakmicu, putovati, te se družiti s prijateljima i obitelji.

2. Kada si počeo igrati nogomet i u kojim klubovima si do sada igrao? Da li je istina da si u četiri sezone promijenio četiri kluba?

Nogomet sam počeo igrati u prvom razredu osnovne škole, a ovo je 16. sezona kako se njime bavim. Prošao sam školu nogometa u NK Vrapču te sam nakon toga na poziv bivšeg trenera prešao u NK Podsused gdje sam odigrao svoju prvu sezonu kao senior. Nakon te sezone klub je zbog financijskih problema ugasio seniorsku momčad i bio sam primoran naći novi klub, a na preporuku trenera prešao sam u NK Savu Zagreb gdje sam, zbog obaveza na fakultetu, odigrao samo polusezonu, a po završetku sezone prešao sam u NK Zagreb 041.

3. Kada i kako si prvi put čuo za ZG041 i kako si se priključio? Što te motiviralo da se priključiš klubu?

Prvi put sam čuo za ZG041 na Facebook-u i to sasvim slučajno. Također sam u novinama pročitao vijest da navijačka skupina Bijeli anđeli pokreće svoj klub i to me zaintrigiralo te sam se priključio klubu. Tko ne bi volio igrati u klubu koji ima svoje navijače koji te bodre na svakoj utakmici. Puno bolje nego igrati pred 20-30 ljudi kao što je to uglavnom slučaj u nižim ligama.

4. Kako to izgleda igrati za klub kojim upravljaju igrači i navijači zajedno? Koliko je to drugačije od klubova u kojim si do sada igrao?

Razlika je ta da svaki član ima pravo glasa. Klub nema predsjednika, dopredsjednika, tajnika,... Što se mene kao igrača tiče, razliku ne primjećujem. Moje je da treniram, slušam upute trenera i na utakmicama dajem sve od sebe da bismo pobjedili. S te strane je sve isto kao u mojim bivšim klubovima.

5. Pretpostavljam da do sad nisi imao prilike igrati u ekipi koja je sastavljena od igrača iz toliko različitih i udaljenih zemalja? Kako to izgleda na treningu? Koliko je to drugačije od ekipa u kojima igraju “samo dečki iz kvarta”?

Za mene je to jedno novo iskustvo. Zbog toga se moram više koristiti engleskim jezikom, ali to mi ne smeta. Zna biti i smiješnih situacija kada se pokušavamo sporazumjeti jedni s drugima. Atmosfera na treninzima je opuštena, ali zna se i kada je vrijeme za ozbiljnost.

6. Trenutno si jedan od najmlađih u ekipi, da li postoji bilo kakav pritisak oko toga? Misliš li da možeš ovdje oplemeniti svoje nogometno znanje?

Pritisak ne postoji. Zapravo, lakše je igrati nego u prošlim klubovima. Razlog su navijači. Možda zvuči otrcano, ali puno je lakše kada te netko bodri sa tribina. To mi daje jednu dozu adrenalina i to smatram pozitivnom stvari.

7. Kako je raditi s Celestinom, trenerom koji ipak iza sebe ima neko iskustvo i znanje?

Za Celestina imam samo riječi hvale. Vjeruje u nas i vjeruje da kao momčad možemo biti još bolji. Isto tako mi vjerujemo njemu jer vidimo da ima mnogo iskustva i da ulaže mnogo truda u momčad i njezin napredak. Nadam se da ćemo opravdati njegovo povjerenje. Također, s njime se odlično sporazumjevamo jer on jako dobro govori hrvatski i to je pohvalno.

8. Trenutno igraš na poziciji desnog beka, da li si tu poziciju igrao prije i kako ti po tvom mišljenju stoji? 

U dosadašnjoj karijeri, kao i većina igrača, igrao sam na raznim pozicijama, ali najbolje mi leži pozicija desnog beka, a po potrebi mogu odigrati i lijevog beka i prednjeg veznog.

9. Kako ti se općenito čini liga u kojoj igramo i koji je po tebi realan domet Zagreba u prvoj sezoni. Gdje misliš da mi stojimo? Koje su nam jake strane, a gdje smo slabi?

Ovu ligu poznajem otprije jer sam u njoj nastupao igrajući za NK Podsused. Sezonu smo završili na 3. mjestu. Što se nas tiče, mislim da možemo sezonu završiti pri vrhu. Ono što sam do sada uspio primjetiti je to da nam fali kondicije i još utakmica u nogama, ali i ovako smatram da smo zreli za tzv. TOP 3. Ne bih bio razočaran ni 4. mjestom iako uvijek težim boljem, ali klub igra svoju prvu sezonu i mislim da bismo trebali barem to ostvariti. Kratko smo na okupu, ali nam je zajedništvo na terenu jača strana.

10. U vrlo kratkom vremenu se stvorio dosta veliki hype oko kluba i na utakmice dolazi dosta veliki broj gledatelj (za ovaj rang), a imate i podršku na gostujućim utakmicama. Kako to djeluje na igrače i na tebe? Možeš li opisati što točno jednom igraču znači podrška s tribina?

Broj gledatelja na dosadašnjim utakmicama je u rangu sa Jedinstvenom međužupanijskom ligom (4. rang) i 1. županijskom ligom (5. rang). Meni kao igraču koji ima iskustva igranja u ovom rangu je to novost jer se inaće na utakmicama skupi cca. 20-30 gledatelja, a pojavom NK Zagreb 041 taj broj se popeo na 100 pa i više. Utakmice na kojima su naši navijači nisu monotone već zanimljive jer oni naprave drugačiju, bolju atmosferu nego je to slučaj na ostalim utakmicama. Što podrška s tribina znači igraču? Kao što sam već spomenuo, podrška s tribina igrača ohrabruje i igraču je lakše igrati. To igrača treba nositi na terenu, zbog toga treba ići još jače, brže i dati, ne 100 %, nego 200 % od sebe. 

11. Za kraj, što možeš poručiti navijačima i navijačicama Zagreba?

Htio bih se zahvaliti svim navijačicama i navijačima koje/i za nas ostavljaju glas na tekmama. Hvala Vam što odvajate svoje vrijeme za nas i ovaj klub. Svaka Vam čast!


1. Can you introduce yourself? How old are you and what do you do except play football? Do you have any hobbies, how do you spend your free time?

Hello to readers, supporters and other sympathisers of the club. My name is Mario, I'm 21. I study Management of Office Bussines at Baltazar College in Zaprešić. In my free time I like to watch a good game, travel, and hang out with friends and family.

 2. When did you start playing football and where did you play before? Is it true that you changed four clubs in four seasons?

I started playing football at my first year of elementary school, and this is my 16th playing season. I passed through football school at FC Vrapče and then my former coach invited me to FC Podsused where I played my first senior season. After that season the club cancelled its senior team due to financial difficulties and I had to find a new club. Coach recommended me for FC Sava Zagreb where I played only first half of the season because of my obligations at college and I switched to FC Zagreb 041 when the season ended.

3. How and when did you first hear about ZG041 and how did you join? What was your motivation for joining the club?

I heard about the club on Facebook, accidentally. I also read in the newspapers that White Angels started a new club. That intrigued me so I joined the club. Who wouldn’t want to play for the club with fan support on every game? It is much better than playing in front of 20-30 people which is usually the case in the lower divisions.

4. How does it feel to play for a club run by supporters and players together? How different is it from the clubs that you have played for?

Well, the difference is that every member has a right to vote. The club has no president, vice-president, secretary… As a player I don’t see the difference. My job is to train, listen to coach and give my best to win. In that way it is the same as my former clubs.

5. I assume you didn’t have a chance to play in the team with players from so many different and far away countries before? How does it look during training sessions? How different is it from the teams that have only “players from the ‘hood”?

For me it is a new experience. It makes me use English more often, but I’m OK with it. There are some funny situations when trying to understand each other. The atmosphere in training is relaxed, but we know when to be serious.

6. You are currently one of the youngest players, is there any pressure about that? Do you think you can improve on your playing ability here?

There is no pressure. It is easier to play than in my last clubs. Supporters are the reason. It may sound corny, but it is easier to play when there is support from the stands. It gives me an injection of adrenalin and I consider it a positive thing.

7. How does it feel to work with Celestine, a coach with some experience and knowledge?

I can only praise Celestine. He believes in us and he believes that we can do better as a team. We trust him as well as we see that he has a lot of experience and that he invests a lot of effort into the team and its progress. I hope we can live up to his trust. Also, we have great understanding with him as he speaks Croatian fluently which is great.

8. You play right-back at the moment. Did you play that position before and how do you see yourself in it?

As most players I’ve played at different positions up to now, but I feel best in the role of right-back. I can play left-back and forward midfielder if necessary.

9. What do you generally think about the division we play in and what is Zagreb’s potential in this first season? I know it is ungrateful to make any predictions, but just say where do you think we stand? What are our strengths, our weaknesses?

I know this division before because I played in it while at FC Podsused. We finished third. As far as we are concerned, I think we can finish near the top. I’ve noticed we lack physical fitness and a few matches behind us, but I still think we can make it to top three as we are now. I wouldn’t be disappointed with the fourth place although I always strive for better. But this is the club’s first season and I think we should attain that position at the least. We are together for a short time, but a sense of togetherness on the pitch is our strong side.

10. There was a really big hype around the club in the very short time, we have really good attendance (for this division) on both home and away matches. How does it affect the players? Can you describe what exactly does the support from the stands mean to a player?

The attendance on matches so far is similar to Unified Inter-regional Division (4th tier) and First Regional division (5th tier). For me as a player with experience in this division it is something new because there are usually 20-30 people at the match, and Zagreb 041 brought that number to a 100 and more. The games with our supporters are not boring but interesting because they make a different, better atmosphere than at other matches. What does this kind of support mean to a player? As I mentioned before, the support from the stands is encouraging and it is easier to play. It should carry the player on the pitch so he plays even stronger, faster giving 200%, not only a 100%.

11. At the end, what can you tell to supporters of Zagreb?


I would like to thank all the supporters that leave their voice at the games. Thank you for giving your time for as and the club. Good job!

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