
Rezime prve sezone - Summary of the first season

Prva sezona najmlađeg zagrebačkog kluba je iza nas, posljednja utakmica je odigrana prije mjesec dana, pogled se polako okreće prema rujnu i novoj sezoni, a vremenski odmak nam možda pruži malo objektivnosti u rezimiranju postignutog u posljednjih godinu dana.

„Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.“ (W.Churchill)

-- english version down below --

Iako je momčad Zagreba 041 počela kao s raznih strana sklepana ekipa s različitom razinom nogometnog iskustva, različite dobi i očekivanja, do kraja sezone se pretvorila u tim nogometaša koji je na terenu i izvan njega funkcionirao prilično dobro. Najveću zaslugu za to imaju entuzijazam, trud i redovan trening svakog igrača i, posebno, trener Celestine Olisa bez čijeg nogometnog i životnog iskustva te prijateljskog autoriteta ova ekipa ne bi toliko napredovala. Četvrto mjesto u 3. zagrebačkoj ligi možda ne zvuči kao velik uspjeh, ali s obzirom na početke, na nedostatak kvalitetnog terena za trening u prvoj polovici sezone i druge faktore, s konačnim plasmanom u ligi možemo biti vrlo zadovoljni. Ako ekipa ostane na okupu za sljedeću sezonu kao što je planirano i ako se realizira nekoliko planiranih pojačanja, možemo slobodno najaviti da od prvog kola napadamo prvo mjesto i plasman u višu ligu. 

S obzirom da je 041 specifičan klub, pobjede računamo i izvan nogometnih terena. Prije svega, tu je pobjeda koncepta da se nogometni klub, bar na ovim razinama, može osnovati i voditi bez predsjednika, upravnog odbora i profesionalnih klupskih dužnosnika. U klub se tijekom godine učlanilo više od 120 ljudi iz mnogih zemalja, od Hrvatske pa do Engleske, Portugala, Njemačke, a našim članovima su postale i mnoge domaće i strane organizacije (npr. Socialni center Rog, Mreža antifašistkinja Zagreba, Centar za mirovne studije, Klub studenata Filozofskog fakulteta, Klub studenata politologije, Baza za radničku inicijativu i demokraciju, AKC Attack i drugi). Zahvaljujući velikom trudu članova, njihovom ulaganju vremena, novaca i entuzijazma pokazali smo se kao vjerojatno i najorganiziraniji klub u 3. zagrebačkoj ligi.

Osim toga, pobijedili smo i u kategoriji posjećenosti - prosječna gledanost kluba je bila blizu brojke od 150 ljudi (brojka koja je nažalost na razini nekih prvoligaša), a naše utakmice su prepoznate kao mjesto gdje se možete susresti s nogometom kakav bi trebao biti - sportski, prijateljski i inkluzivan, nogomet praćen strašću sa tribina i neprestanom pjesmom podrške te obogaćen šarenim pirotehničkim atrakcijama. Hvala svima koji su nas posjećivali i time dali podršku misiji koju imamo i koju smo polagano počeli realizirati - povratak nogometa svojim sportskim korijenima, povratak nogometa u ruke navijača, igrača i entuzijasta, uključivanje kluba u zajednicu u kojoj djeluje i kojoj doprinosi.

Jedna od naših najvećih pobjeda je i uključivanje u klub naših prijatelja iz Senegala, Ugande, Somalije, Nigerije, Sirije i drugih zemalja odakle ih je životni put doveo do Zagreba. Utakmice i zabave Zagreba 041 su postale mjesto na kojem se izbjeglice i tražitelji azila mogu susresti međusobno, sklopiti nova prijateljstva s lokalnim stanovništvom i osjećati se stvarno dobrodošlima. Slobodno možemo reći da su obogatili ovaj klub i naš grad i dodali dodatan šarm cijeloj priči.

Klub je brzo stekao i mnoge prijatelje u svijetu te su naši članovi imali užasno puno posla ovoga ljeta obići sve turnire, prezentacije kluba i tulume na koje su bili pozivani. Sudjelovali smo na Antira turniru u Hamburgu u organizaciji Ultras St.Pauli, na turniru Brcnimo rasizem u Ljubljani, UAFA kupu u Trenčinu u Slovačkoj, a poziva ima puno više nego što je naš ukupni kapacitet za nogomet i tulume pa smo tako ovaj put propustili Mondiali Antirazzisti u Bologni i još nekoliko drugih događaja u Europi na kojima bismo ubuduće jako htjeli sudjelovati.

U rujnu krećemo dalje, s novim utakmicama, novim zabavama, novim projektima. Pred klubom tek predstoje pravi izazovi - još uvijek nemamo vlastitu infrastrukturu za trening i igru, želimo oformiti mlađe kategorije za nogometašice i nogometaše, moramo financijski stabilizirati klub a jedna od najvažnijih zadaća je povećati članstvo i potaknuti što više članova da se aktivno uključe u rad kluba. Jer ovaj klub ima velike planove i potencijalno sjajnu budućnost, dok god postoje ljudi koji žele djelovati i ulagati svoje vrijeme i trud u njega. Ovaj klub će biti onoliko organiziran koliko su organizirani njegovi članovi, onoliko aktivan (i aktivističan) koliko su njegovi članovi, onoliko tolerantan i otvoren koliko to budu njegovi članovi. Uopće nećemo pokušavati odrediti gdje bi bila granica Zagreba 041 - naši članovi i članice ne priznaju granice.:)

I zato - podržite nas ako još niste ili nas nastavite podržavati ako već jeste - učlanite se u klub ili produžite članstvo, uključite se u upravljanje njime i njegov svakodnevni rad kako god možete i želite, dođite na utakmicu ili bar proširite priču među svima koje bi moglo zanimati!




„Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.“ (W.Churchill)

The first season of the youngest club in Zagreb is behind us, the last match was played a month ago and we are looking ahead toward September and toward a new season. The tima that has passed might give us some objectivity in assessing what we have achieved in the past year.

Although Zagreb 041 team has started as a group of people with different backgrounds and different football experience, different ages and expectations, by the end of the season it has become a team of footballers that has functioned pretty well both on and off the pitch. For that we have to thank the enthusiasm, effort and regular training of every player and especially coach Celestine Olisa without whose football and life experience and friendly authority this team would not have advanced this far. Fourth place in third Zagreb division might not sound as a great success but, considering the beginnings, the lack of proper training grounds in the first half-season and other factors, we can be quite happy with the final league position. If the team stays together, and we succeed in bringing a few players to strengthen the squad, we can freely announce that we are charging for the title and promotion from the first match.

Considering that 041 is a special club, we count our victories off the pitch as well. Most importantly, we have a victory of the concept of founding and managing a football club without a president, executive committee and professional club officials, at this level of football at least. More than 120 people have become a member of the club in the past year, people from many countries - from Croatia to England, Portugal and Germany, and many domestic and foreign organisations have joined the club as well (e.g. Socialni center Rog, Centre for Peace Studies, Philosophy Faculty Students' Club, Political Science Faculty Students' CLub, AKC Attack, Base for Workman Initiative and Democracy and many others). Thanks to huge effort of our members, their investment of time, money and enthusiasm we have presented ourselves as the most organized club in the third Zagreb division.

Besides that, we have achieved a victory in the attendance category - the average attendance was around 150 (an average attendance of some Croatian first division clubs, unfortunately), and our matches have been recognized as a place to meet football as it should be - competitive, friendly and inclusive, a football followed from the stands with passion and continuous song and enriched with colourful pyro shows. We would like to thank everybody who showed up at our games and thus gave their support to our mission that we have slowly started to make true - return of football to its sports roots, return of football to the supporters, players and enthusiasts, inclusion of a football club in the community where it exists and contributes.

One of our biggest victories is inclusion of our friends from Senegal, Uganda, Somalia, Nigeria, Syria and other countries from where life brought them to Zagreb. The matches and parties of Zagreb 041 have become a place where refugees and asylum seekers have an opportunity to meet each other, make new friendships with the locals and feel truly welcome. We can freely say they have enriched this club and our city and brought additional charm to the whole story.

The club has quickly made a lot of friends in the world so our members had an awful lot of work touring all the tournaments, presentations of the club and parties that we have been invited to this summer. We participated at Antira tournament in Hamburg organised by Ultras St. Pauli, at Brcnimo rasizem tournament in Ljubljana, UAFA cup in Trenčin, Slovakia, and we have had more invitations than we have had capacity for football and parties so we had to miss Mondiali Antirazzisti at Bologna and few other events in Europe that we would very much like to be a part of in the future.

We move on in September with new games, new parties, new projects. The club has a lot of challenges ahead - we don't have our own infrastructure for training and matches yet, we want to form youth teams for girls and boys, we have to stabilise the club financially and one of the most important tasks is to enlarge our membership and make it more actively involved in everyday working of the club. Because this club has big plans and potentially great future while there are people willing to work and invest their time and effort in it. This club will be as organised as its members are, as active (and activist) as its members are, as tolerant and open as its members are. We will not try to determine the borders of Zagreb 041 - our members don't recognize borders. :)

So - join us if you haven't already or continue to support us if you have before - join the club or renew your membership, join its management and everyday work as much as you can and want, come to our match or at least spread the word among people who might be interested!


Preporučite članak:

Standings provided by Sofascore
Nogometni klub "Zagreb 041"
Kombolova 13
10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 (PBZ)
OIB: 66080577328
MB: 4341503
Projekt sufinancira Ured za udruge Vlade Republike Hrvatske